
VOL. 35 ISSUE 11



An increase in worker fatalities results in a call for safety.

Manual Elements

Learn about equipment support stands.

Tech Today

NRCA recommends changes to ASTM International's polyisocyanurate standard.

Safe Solutions

The updated CERTA program can help prevent torch-related fires.

Capitol Hill

The federal government actively is responding to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


Crafting thoughtful questions and answers is an art.

As I was saying...

Association membership offers valuable experiences and resources.



Live to tell - Roofing professionals share personal stories to promote safety

Live to tell

Roofing professionals share personal stories to promote safety

Coming clean - Rapid-result drug testing is an efficient way to test employees

Coming clean

Rapid-result drug testing is an efficient way to test employees

Letting them go - Terminating employees carries a set of legal implications

Letting them go

Terminating employees carries a set of legal implications

Sense and sensitivity - Garvey Roark Inc. takes on a challenging roof system replacement project

Sense and sensitivity

Garvey Roark Inc. takes on a challenging roof system replacement project