
Victoria L. Donati

Victoria L. Donati practices in Chicago-based Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg's Labor & Employment group. In addition, Donati assists clients with training ini­tiatives and ensuring their workplace policies and procedures comply with all applicable legal requirements.

Articles authored

Keeping employees healthyWellness programs are a good idea, but make sure you're complying with applicable lawsJuly 2008
A New FMLAThe already complex FMLA undergoes changesMay 2008
Vetting the work forceImmigration issues continue to dominate the political landscape, so you should get your records in order.March 2008
Frustrated with FMLA?Learn how to determine whether leave to care for a family member qualifies under FMLAJanuary 2008
Making employee handbooks a priorityNovember 2007
Technology and the modern workplaceTechnology and the modern workplaceSeptember 2007
An ounce of preventionWage and hour audits can help avoid expensive litigation and damagesJuly 2007
The military morassReturning troops are entitled to several employment considerationsMay 2007
Make no mistakeThere are 10 common employment mistakes. How many do you make?March 2007
Under the microscopeConducting background checks can be a good idea—but legal pitfalls awaitJanuary 2007
What to do when Cupid's arrow strikes at work?November 2006
The P's and Q's (and should yous?) of drug testing in the workplaceSeptember 2006
Making discipline stickJuly 2006
Religion and the workplace: ever the two should meet?May 2006
To pay or not to pay?Determining whether employees deserve to be paid involves a close look at FLSAMarch 2006
Lessons in employee leaveJanuary 2006
Letting them goTerminating employees carries a set of legal implicationsNovember 2005
Be careful where you digDrug tests and background checks present some legal hurdlesSeptember 2005
An early paper trailRecord keeping during the recruiting process can help you avoid liabilityJuly 2005