
JULY 2015



Dropping unemployment rates do not correspond to wage increases.

Tech Today

Justifying the cost paybacks for roof systems with high R-values may not be feasible.

Capitol Hill

NRCA's regulatory reform efforts gain momentum in Congress.

As I was saying …

The second annual National Roofing Week celebrates charitable works performed by NRCA members.



Castro Roofing shares its strategies for improving workplace safety.

Safety: A core value - Castro Roofing shares its methods for creating a safe work environment

Be sure your company complies with revised Department of Transportation rules.

Connecting the DOT's rules - Ensure your company remains in compliance with updated DOT rules

James R. Walls renovates the library at the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution® in Washington, D.C.

Revolutionary roofing - James R. Walls renovates the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution headquarters

Protect your company from customers who lay claim to already rendered payments after entering bankruptcy.

Preferring to be paid - A roofing customer who enters bankruptcy can lay claim to payments already rendered

Trust is paramount to retaining Latino employees.

The truth about poaching - Few Latino employees will leave you if they trust you and you help them grow