
VOL. 40 ISSUE 12



Soon-to-be Congressman Reid Ribble discusses his campaign.

Tech Today

NRCA has revised its longstanding design R-value recommendation for polyisocyanurate insulation.

Capitol Hill

EPA's endangerment finding poses problems for the construction industry.

Safe Solutions

Key elements of OSHA's new crane standard are explained.

As I was saying …

PV technology creates opportunities within the roofing industry.



A roof rating system - RoofPoint™ is set to debut in less than one year

A roof rating system

RoofPoint™ is set to debut in less than one year

A stronger bond - High-wind-resistant shingles demand high-performance adhesives

A stronger bond

High-wind-resistant shingles demand high-performance adhesives

A shining accomplishment - Jim Giese Commercial Roofing reroofs an ailing church in Haiti

A shining accomplishment

Jim Giese Commercial Roofing reroofs an ailing church in Haiti

Against the odds - Roofing contractor Brent Lee built a new life in the U.S. after growing up poor in South Korea

Against the odds

Roofing contractor Brent Lee built a new life in the U.S. after growing up poor in South Korea

Benefiting from set-asides - Even if your company doesn't meet federal requirements, you still can benefit from set-aside contracts

Benefiting from set-asides

Even if your company doesn't meet federal requirements, you still can benefit from set-aside contracts