Call for Gold Circle Award entries
NRCA is seeking nominations for its 2007 Gold Circle Awards program. The program recognizes NRCA members for significant contributions to the roofing industry.
Gold Circle Award categories include outstanding workmanship—low-slope; outstanding workmanship—steep-slope; innovative solutions—new construction; innovative solutions—reroofing; service to the community; and service to the industry.
In addition, the Gold Circle Safety Award will be awarded to accident-free projects where public-protection challenges dominated the scope of work, demanding creative safety solutions, implementation of uniquely challenging safety procedures or extensive involvement of multiple trades. This is not a nomination category.
Unique roofing-related projects, programs and services completed between June 1, 2004, and May 31, 2006, are eligible for the competition. The deadline for entries is Oct. 6. Winners will be honored during NRCA's 120th Annual Convention March 6-8 in Las Vegas.
For more information or to obtain a Gold Circle Award application, contact Chrystine Hanus, NRCA's executive assistant, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7522, or, or download an application from NRCA's Web site,
NRCA offers training consulting services
NRCA is offering two training consulting services to roofing contractors, manufacturers, design professionals and building managers.
NRCA's professional staff will visit your company to help identify performance problems, recommend solutions and implement training strategies to help meet your organization's mission and vision. For more information about this service or to schedule a consultation, contact Allison Noble, NRCA's manager of customized education, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7509, or
NRCA also can help implement or upgrade your organization's safety program through a two-day, on-site roofing safety "boot camp" that will provide you with necessary implementation steps or a comprehensive evaluation of your organization's current safety program and guide you through a developmental program to produce a written action plan. For more information about this service or to schedule an on-site visit, contact Harry Dietz, NRCA's director of risk management, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7502, or
Online resources
NRCA's Web site,, offers many resources and benefits. Following are some ways to get involved with NRCA's online community.
NRLRC members receive legal guides
As an added membership benefit, members of the National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC) now will receive free "toolbox" legal guides each month.
The legal guides address specific situations, such as what to do if you want to perform a job in another state, are asked to sign an indemnification provision, don't receive a monthly progress payment, make a bid mistake, and discover plans and/or specifications are incomplete or contain errors.
For more information about toolbox legal guides or NRLRC, contact Alison LaValley, NRLRC's executive director, at (847) 299-9092 or, or log on to
In "Getting stickier," June issue, page 52, the author, James R. Kirby, an NRCA senior director of technical services, included a figure listing four manufacturers of polyurethane roof insulation board adhesive. He inadvertently omitted information from another manufacturer, Polyfoam Products Inc., Sunrise, Fla. The chart should have included the following information:
Professional Roofing regrets the oversight. Please refer to "Letters," page 12, for further information.
Technical product sale
Take advantage of NRCA's September sale and save 25 percent on NRCA roofing and waterproofing manuals, technical publications and CD-ROMS.
In addition, when you spend more than $100 online at, you qualify for free shipping, a 30-day risk-free guarantee and $25 coupon for a future order.
For information about NRCA products and services, contact NRCA InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722) or e-mail
Upcoming NRCA events
Additional information about upcoming NRCA events can be viewed at NRCA's Web site,
Exploring Roof System Options
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to match characteristics of a roof system with a building's design
Ask the Expert—Tech Talk: Addressing Hot Industry Technical Issues
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about technical issues currently affecting the roofing industry
Maximizing the Life of Your Roof: Implementing a Roof Asset Management Program
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn the proper procedures to best manage your roofing assets
Roof Repair and Maintenance
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn techniques for achieving long life and value from roof systems
Tampa, Fla.
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs
NRCA's Fall Meetings
Contact: Michelle Iniguez
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7539
Join NRCA's Executive Committee to discuss NRCA and industry issues
Future Executives Institute
Contact: Leslie Kazmierowski
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7508
Develop leadership and communication skills during this three-year program
NRLRC 27th Annual Seminar—Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets
Naples, Fla.
Contact: Alison LaValley
(847) 299-9092
Learn about current legal, contractual, technical, insurance and safety issues affecting your business
For Foremen Only, Level One
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn concrete methods to enhance your communication skills and management abilities
Performance Technology for Roof Systems
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
An interactive roofing technology course
Ask the Expert—On the Edge of Fall Protection: Update on Regulations and Techniques
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about fall protection
Roof Inspection, Diagnosis and Repair
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about roof system inspection
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