
Manufacturer points out omission

I would like to express my concerns with "Getting stickier," by NRCA Senior Technical Director James R. Kirby, June issue, page 52. I have a few objections to the article in addition to our Tite-Set® Insulation Adhesive not being included in the list of available adhesives. Some of my concerns follow.

I object to broad statements such as, "Two-component adhesives are dispensed from a 14- to 18-inch-long static dispenser resembling a caulk gun with two tubes." The statement implies all two-component adhesives are dispensed in this manner, which is not accurate. Our Tite-Set product is dispensed from a 25-foot disposable hose gun assembly attached to prepressurized 5-gallon disposable chemical cylinders.

When addressing the high-end temperature range, Kirby states, "Manufacturers recommend the maximum surface temperature be 120 F." This is not accurate. Tite-Set has no high-temperature limitation when being applied to a roof substrate.

Kirby writes: "NRCA currently is aware of four manufacturers of polyurethane roof insulation board adhesive, which are listed in the figure. There likely are other products that are private-labeled, but the figure lists material manufacturers and their product names."

The list of manufacturers within the figure is all-inclusive based on Kirby's criteria. Polyfoam Products Inc. is a material manufacturer that also private labels insulation adhesive for others. Kirby's claim that NRCA currently is aware of four manufacturers of polyurethane roof insulation board adhesive obviously is not correct. Polyfoam Products regularly has advertised its Tite-Set insulation adhesive in Professional Roofing. I find it difficult to believe NRCA is not aware of the products advertised in its magazine.

It would appear Kirby did not adequately research the manufacturers of polyurethane roof board adhesives before writing the article. I invite Kirby to search for "polyurethane insulation adhesive" on www.google.com. Polyfoam Products and Tite-Set appear before all manufacturers listed in the article.

Thank you for the opportunity to voice my concerns and set the record straight.

Michael J. Harak Jr.
Polyfoam Products Inc.
Sunrise, Fla.

Following is Kirby's response to the article:

Thank you for your comments. The article was intended to provide information to Professional Roofing readers regarding the use and options for installation of polyurethane roof insulation board adhesives. It remains a specifier's and/or installer's responsibility to understand the specific application requirements for any roofing product; the article provides some of that information. It is unfortunate Polyfoam Products' name was not included in the list. Professional Roofing readers now are better informed thanks to the additional information you provided.


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