
Chuck Scislo

Telephone number : (847) 299-9070

Chuck Scislo has held various architectural sales, sales management and technical positions for several roofing materials manufacturers during the past 25 years. He joined NRCA in 2004 and is responsible for servicing requests for information and technical assistance, assisting as liaison for internal committees and outside organizations, and maintaining and developing technical documents.

Articles authored

A noise noticeNoise is a potential job-site hazard that often is overlookedJuly 2007
Coming to the forefrontSelf-adhering polymer-modified bitumen materials are an emerging technologyAugust 2006
Manual ElementsInsulated expansion jointsApril 2006
To the lowest bidderOnline reverse auctions are a controversial topic in the roofing industryMarch 2006
Manual ElementsFlashing heightFebruary 2006
Manual ElementsBuilt-up roof drainsDecember 2005
Hurricane Katrina: observations from the fieldNRCA Technical Services staff visited areas affected by Hurricane Katrina to observe roof-related damageDecember 2005
Manual ElementsSlate and open valleysAugust 2005
Sifting through synthetic materialsThe next generation of steep-slope materials has arrivedMay 2005