New manual is available
NRCA will be releasing a four-part series of manuals that will update The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition. Previously, all sections of the manual were published simultaneously. However, the manual now will be published one volume per year during a four-year time period and referred to as The NRCA Roofing Manual. In addition, the waterproofing section from The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, will be released as a separate publication, The NRCA Waterproofing Manual.
The first volume, The NRCA Roofing Manual: Membrane Roof Systems—2007, will be available in January 2007. It is divided into six sections, providing information about roof decks, rigid board insulation, roof membranes, surfacings, system design guidelines and construction details with regard to membrane roof systems.
The remaining volumes of the manual will be Metal Panel and SPF-Based Roof Systems, published in January 2008; Steep-slope Roof Systems, published in January 2009; and Architectural Sheet Metal, Moisture Control and Reroofing, published in January 2010. Until these volumes are released, NRCA considers the applicable sections of The NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing Manual, Fifth Edition, and its 2003 and 2006 updates to be current and applicable.
NRCA members who have paid their 2007 dues will receive a free copy of each volume of the new manual as the volumes are released. The manual will be $250 for nonmembers and additional copies will be $125 for members.
For more information or to place an order, visit; fax (847) 299-1183; or call InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).
CERTA recertification
Trainers and applicators who are Certified Roofing Torch Applicator- (CERTA-) trained will receive three written notices before their certificates expire. Notices will be mailed six months, three months and one month before a trainer's or applicator's expiration date.
Certified applicators will have a 30-day grace period from their expiration dates to complete the recertification course. During the 30-day period, they are not considered certified applicators.
Authorized trainers will have a six-month grace period from their expiration dates to complete the recertification course. During the six-month period, they are not authorized to conduct applicator training.
For more information about CERTA recertification, including course dates, visit, or contact Alison Noble, NRCA's manager of customized education, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7509, or e-mail
NRCA disaster relief video wins award
NRCA has been awarded a Silver Plaque in the category of Charitable Activity from the 42nd INTERCOM International Communications Video & Interactive Media Competition for its video, "The Storm Is Passing Over." INTERCOM annually honors exceptional work for educational, corporate-sponsored, industrial and interactive productions.
The video was created to raise awareness about NRCA's Disaster Relief Fund, which was established by the National Roofing Foundation, a separate but related organization of NRCA. The Disaster Relief Fund was established to provide new roofs in regions affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
The video showcases work performed by NRCA members for one of the Disaster Relief Fund's projects—the rehabilitation of the roof on the Greater St. Mary Missionary Baptist Church in New Orleans, which was damaged severely by Hurricane Rita and had no insurance to pay for repairs—and emphasizes the difference an organization can make with focused philanthropic efforts and committed members.
"The Storm Is Passing Over" can be viewed at For more information about NRCA's Disaster Relief Fund, contact Sarah Gough, NRCA's director of affiliate operations, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7507, or e-mail
NRCA adds Spanish section to its Web site
During October, NRCA added a Spanish section to its Web site, which can be accessed at The section was launched in response to the growing number of Spanish-speaking homeowners and building owners in the U.S., as well as to increase NRCA's international membership in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
The Spanish section includes the following sections: About NRCA, International Resources, Members Only, Consumer Information and The Industry. Additionally, it offers an online membership application and membership directory. More information and features will be added in the future.
Upcoming NRCA events
Additional information about upcoming NRCA events can be viewed at NRCA's Web site,
For Foremen Only, Level One
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn concrete methods to enhance your communication skills and management abilities
Performance Technology for Roof Systems
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
An interactive roofing technology course
Roof Inspection, Diagnosis and Repair
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about roof system inspections
Ask the Expert—On the Edge of Fall Protection: Update on Regulations and Techniques
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about fall protection
China Roofing & Waterproofing 2006
Contact: Olicia Hinojosa
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7586
Learn about the latest products, services and technologies available in the international roofing industry
January 2007
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs
American Express offers benefits to NRCA members
Roofing contractors now can receive rewards, business-building benefits and NRCA credits using the American Express corporate OPEN card. This program is available to NRCA members and nonmembers, as well as GAF-certified contractors.
Contractors who do not already have an American Express business card will receive $250 in NRCA credit—$350 if the contractor is GAF-certified—that can be used for any NRCA product, program or service, including NRCA membership, publications and educational conferences.
Once a contractor completes the application process and is accepted, the $250 or $350 NRCA credit automatically will appear on his American Express statement. Contractors who already have American Express business cards will receive $50 in NRCA credit when they enroll additional card members.
For more information, click here.
NRCA product offerings
NRCA offers the following products for sale. For more information or to place an order, visit; fax (847) 299-1183; or call InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).
NRCA Pocket Guide to Safety is a pocket-sized, spiral-bound guide for laborers, roof mechanics and foremen. The updated 100-page guide details safety issues, personal protective equipment, weather conditions, Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, and first-aid and emergency treatment, among other things. A Spanish version also is available.
Insurance Guide for the Professional Roofing Contractor, Second Edition, includes information about how to evaluate insurance needs, establish programs and monitor effectiveness. It also explains types of insurance coverage.
NRCA Toolbox Talks I, one set of 52 safety lessons in NRCA's Toolbox Talks series, allows foremen and trainers to review an important safety lesson with their crews each week. Topics addressed in this lesson include burns, hazard communication, power brooms, kettle operation, material safety data sheets and warning-line systems, among other topics. The lesson includes safety-training tips with illustrations detailing key points. A Spanish version also is available.
NRCA Toolbox Talks II, the newest set of 52 safety lessons in NRCA's Toolbox Talks series, details safety issues relating to electrical safety, equipment safety, fall protection, fire protection, personal safety, hot asphalt safety, personal protective equipment, hazard communication and repetitive-stress disorders, among other things. It includes safety-training tips with illustrations detailing key points. A Spanish version also is available.
The alliance announces MVP Awards call for entries
The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress has announced a call for entries for its Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards Program.
The program is designed to honor outstanding roofing workers from various regions of the U.S. The awards recognize excellence in the roofing industry and allow recipients to serve as role models for other roofing workers, as well as increase professionalism and attract more workers to the roofing industry.
Up to three employees per branch office of an NRCA-member or nonmember roofing contracting company may be nominated. Nominees must hold positions no higher than foreman and can be nominated for the following categories: outstanding on-the-job performance; attracting new roofing workers and helping retain existing workers; contributions to a team effort; community service and volunteerism; and other noteworthy contributions and activities.
Award recipients will receive a trip to NRCA's 120th Annual Convention in Las Vegas March 6-8, 2007. Included are two airfares, two nights' hotel accommodations, one conference registration and exhibit hall pass, two tickets to the NRCA Luncheon on March 7 and a $100 American Express gift certificate. Each winner also will be formally honored during the NRCA Luncheon.
Applications must be submitted by Nov. 30. For more information or to obtain entry forms, contact Bennett Judson, executive director of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7513; e-mail; or access the alliance's Web site at
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