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NRF news

Scholarship winners

Three students received roofing industry scholarships from the National Roofing Foundation (NRF), a separate but related educational and research organization of NRCA.

The scholarships, which provide recipients with $1,000 per year for up to four years of undergraduate study, are awarded to employees, immediate family of employees or immediate family of NRCA contractor members. Applicants must plan to continue their education in university or vocational programs. Recipients may use the money for studies at any accredited postsecondary institution; scholarships are not limited to students planning to enter the roofing industry.

Michael Marzano
  • Michael Marzano
  • Caitlin Narkawicz
  • Sarah Stabile
Michael Marzano

The three recipients of NRF scholarships were Michael Marzano, son of Ann Marzano, president of EcoWise Inc., Wayne, Ill.; Caitlin Narkawicz, daughter of Joseph Narkawicz, president of Tech Roofing Service Inc., Springfield, Mass.; and Sarah Stabile, daughter of Raymond Stabile, customer service manager for 2001 Inc., Waterbury, Conn.

Recipients were selected based on academic records, potential to succeed, leadership and participation in school and community activities, honors, work experience, statement of education goals and a third-party appraisal. Financial need was not considered.

In addition, NRF renewed nine scholarships. Recipients include Christina Erbsen, Salida, Colo., who is attending Corban College, Salem, Ore.; Christa Harder, Buffalo, N.Y., who is attending State University of New York at Buffalo; Brian Head, Montgomery, Ala., who is attending Auburn University, Auburn, Ala.; Jessica Hibbard, Arlington, Texas, who is attending Texas Christian University, Fort Worth; Whitney Liftig, Fort Myers, Fla., who is attending Stetson University, DeLand, Fla.; Lindsey Minder, Gansevoort, N.Y., who is attending Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Justine Semack, McDonald, Pa., who is attending West Virginia University, Morgantown, W.Va.; Mary Wolfe, Wyomissing, Pa., who is attending Oxford College of Emory University, Oxford, Ga.; and Matthew Woodruff, Fond du Lac, Wis., who is attending Milwaukee School of Engineering.

For more information about NRF scholarships and application deadlines, go to or contact Bennett Judson, NRF's associate executive director, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7513; fax (847) 299-1183; or e-mail


The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress, which was established within the National Roofing Foundation (NRF) to fund programs addressing critical roofing industry issues, announced its new steering committee during NRCA's Midyear Meetings in Chicago July 11-15.

Steering committee members for 2006-07 follow:

Geoff Craft, vice president—roofing products for OMG Roofing Products, Agawam, Mass.; Tim Davey, president of DRI Commercial, Irvine, Calif.; Ken Hunt, vice president of technical services for Performance Roof Systems Inc., Kansas City, Mo.; Glenn Jones, senior vice president—national accounts for Centimark Corp., West Chicago, Ill.; Eric Jurin, president of Jurin Roofing Services Inc., Quakertown, Pa.; Conrad Kawulok, president of B&M Roofing of Colorado Inc., Frederick; Chip Martin, vice president of CRS Inc., College Park, Ga.; Jamie McAdam, president of F.J. Dahill Co., New Haven, Conn.; Philip McKinney, chairman of the board for Evans Service Co. Inc., Elmira, N.Y.; James Myers, president of The James Myers Co. Inc., Beltsville, Md.; Tim Rainey, president of Supreme Systems Inc., Dallas; Amy Reeves, vice president of Reeves Roofing Equipment Co., Weatherford, Texas; Robert Therrien Jr., president of The Melanson Co. Inc., Keene, N.H.; and Gary Wolfe, chairman and chief executive officer of Wolfe Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc., Reading, Pa.

NRF also announced its Board of Trustees for 2006-07: NRCA vice president liaison—Luis Fernandez, president of Roof Decks of Puerto Rico Inc., Bayamon; secretary/treasurer—Jim Giese, president of Jim Giese Commercial Roofing Inc., Dubuque, Iowa; John S. Gooding, chairman of the board for Gooding, Simpson & Mackes Inc., Ephrata, Pa.; William Hamlin Jr., president of Hamlin Roofing Co. Inc., Garner, N.C.; McAdam; W. Don McCrory, president of Kiker Corp., Mobile, Ala.; Robert McNamara, president of F.J.A. Christiansen Roofing Co., Milwaukee; president—McKinney; vice president—Rainey; Reid Ribble, president of The Ribble Group Inc., Kaukauna, Wis.; and Wolfe.

Upcoming NRCA events

Additional information about upcoming NRCA events can be viewed at NRCA's Web site,


Exploring Roof System Options
Contact: Janice Davis (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7534
Learn how to match characteristics of a roof system with a building's design

Ask the Expert—Tech Talk: Addressing Hot Industry Technical Issues
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn about technical issues currently affecting the roofing industry

Maximizing the Life of Your Roof: Implementing a Roof Asset Management Program
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn the proper procedures to best manage your roofing assets

Roof Repair and Maintenance
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn techniques for achieving long life and value from roof systems


Tampa, Fla.
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs

Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs

NRCA's Fall Meetings
Contact: Michelle Iniguez
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7539
Join NRCA's Executive Committee to discuss NRCA and industry issues

Future Executives Institute
Contact: Leslie Kazmierowski
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7508
Develop leadership and communication skills during this three-year program


NRLRC 27th Annual Seminar—Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets
Naples, Fla.
Contact: Alison LaValley
(847) 299-9092
Learn about current legal, contractual, technical, insurance and safety issues affecting your business

For Foremen Only, Level One
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
Learn concrete methods to enhance your communication skills and management abilities

Performance Technology for Roof Systems
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505
An interactive roofing technology course

Attend NRLRC's annual seminar

Join the National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC) for its 27th Annual Seminar, Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets, Nov. 2-4 at Naples Grande Resort & Club, Naples, Fla.

The seminar will provide in-depth information about current legal, contractual, technical, insurance and safety issues affecting the roofing industry.

Following are classes to be offered during the NRLRC seminar:

Thursday, Nov. 2

  • Rules of Contract Interpretation—How Courts Interpret Contracts
  • Technical Issues Posing Liability Risks to Roofing Contractors
  • Selling Your Business—Part I: How to Value a Privately Held Roofing Contracting Company

Friday, Nov. 3

  • Selling Your Business—Part II: Planning for Different Potential Purchasers
  • General Liability Insurance Coverage Available to Roofing Contractors—What's a Contractor to Do?
  • Stay Away From My Customers and Employees
  • Immigration Reform and Employer Liabilities

Saturday, Nov. 4

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Worker's Compensation Insurance
  • How to Collect Your Money—Practical and Legal Steps to Get Paid
  • How to Keep Yourself Out of Trouble with OSHA
  • Roofing and Construction Case Decisions

For more information, contact Alison LaValley, NRLRC's executive director, at or (847) 299-9092 or log on to

NRCA offers worker-training DVDs

NRCA offers the following products for sale. For more information or to place an order, visit; fax (847) 299-1183; or call InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).

The "Tear-off, Job Setup & Equipment for Low-slope Roofing (English and Spanish versions)" worker-training DVD includes two programs and provides information about basic tools and equipment used for roofing work, specifically job setup and tear-off, as well as guidelines about how to set up jobs for maximum efficiency.

The "Job Setup, Tear-off & Equipment for Steep-slope Roofing and the Application of Asphalt Shingles (English only)" worker-training DVD contains two programs. "Job Setup, Tear-off & Equipment for Steep-slope Roofing" details steps for safe and efficient steep-slope roofing project setup and basic tear-off procedures and techniques for steep-slope roofing work. "Application of Asphalt Shingles" reviews materials, manufacturing processes, configurations, types and styles of shingles, roof decks, underlayment types, tools and fasteners.

"Roof Calculations & Measurements (English and Spanish versions) and Roof Insulations (English only)" worker-training DVD contains three programs. "Roof Calculations & Measurements" explains how measurements apply to roofing work, including side laps and end laps, ply overlaps, mechanical attachment, and roof surfacing and coatings. "Roof Insulations: Flat, Tapered and Crickets" details rigid and tapered insulation; insulation materials such as perlite, wood fiberboard, polyisocyanurate, fiberglass, cellular glass, expanded and extruded polystyrene, mineral fiber and composite board; and installation techniques.

All DVDs include instructors guides and student manuals for each program.

NRCA's 120th Annual Convention

NRCA will hold its 120th Annual Convention March 5-8, 2007, at the Las Vegas Hilton. The convention will be held in conjunction with Hanley Wood's 2007 International Roofing Expo.

Attendees will have the opportunity to network with roofing professionals from around the world; see the newest industry products, equipment and services; and learn from the industry's leading experts.

For more information, contact NRCA's Meetings and Convention Department at (800) 323-9545 or fax (847) 299-1183 or access


In the July issue, the contact information provided for the Access One Inc., Shell Oil Co. and Yellow Transportation affinity programs, page 58, was incorrect. Professional Roofing apologizes for any confusion this may have caused. Following is the correct contact information:

Access One Inc.—contact Jason Buttner at (312) 441-9973, or e-mail

Shell Oil Co.—contact Jonathan Kobler at (972) 653-5849, or e-mail

Yellow Transportation—contact Amelia Rowlett at (800) 458-3323, Ext. 5707, or e-mail


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