NRCA Resources

The Alliance receives donation

Firestone Building Products Co., Indianapolis, donated $10,000 to The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress' scholarship fund during NRCA's 120th Annual Convention. To date, Firestone Building Products has donated $100,000 to the fund.

The Alliance's scholarship fund was established to assist employees, immediate family of employees and immediate family of NRCA contractor members who plan to pursue postsecondary education in college and vocational programs. Scholarships are given annually.

Applications for the 2007-08 scholarship program will be available in early fall. For details about the program, go to

Former President of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress Jamie McAdam, president of F.J. Dahill Co. Inc., New Haven, Conn., accepts a $10,000 check for the Alliance's scholarship fund from Tom Walker, vice president of sales and marketing for Firestone Building Products Co., Indianapolis
  • Former President of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress Jamie McAdam, president of F.J. Dahill Co. Inc., New Haven, Conn., accepts a $10,000 check for the Alliance's scholarship fund from Tom Walker, vice president of sales and marketing for Firestone Building Products Co., Indianapolis
Former President of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress Jamie McAdam, president of F.J. Dahill Co. Inc., New Haven, Conn., accepts a $10,000 check for the Alliance's scholarship fund from Tom Walker, vice president of sales and marketing for Firestone Building Products Co., Indianapolis

Former President of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress Jamie McAdam, president of F.J. Dahill Co. Inc., New Haven, Conn., accepts a $10,000 check for the Alliance's scholarship fund from Tom Walker, vice president of sales and marketing for Firestone Building Products Co., Indianapolis.

NRCA offers CERTA reauthorization

NRCA is offering its NRCA/MRCA CERTA Train-the-trainer Reauthorization program for previously authorized CERTA trainers who must renew their training status. NRCA began authorizing trainers to teach torch safety to roofing workers in May 2004, and authorization status must be renewed every three years.

CERTA-trained roofing torch applicators also must renew their credentials every three years by taking a recertification class from a qualified instructor. CERTA-trained roofing torch applicators who renew their authorization status will be qualified to teach the new recertification course, as well as continue to teach the original eight-hour certification program.

NRCA is offering several reauthorization courses during 2007. Visit for a schedule of available classes. For more information about the CERTA Train-the-trainer Reauthorization program, contact Janice Davis, NRCA's manager of education and risk management, at (800) 323-9545, ext. 7505, or

NRCA to hold Midyear Meetings

NRCA will hold its Midyear Meetings at The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago July 10-14. NRCA's Executive Committee, board of directors, committees and task forces will meet to discuss NRCA and industry issues and plan for NRCA's 2007-08 fiscal year.

For more information about NRCA's Midyear Meetings, contact Bennett Judson, NRCA's associate executive director of meetings and convention, at (800) 323-9545, ext. 7513, or e-mail

The Alliance adds a new member

Pacific Coast Supply LLC, North Highland, Calif., has joined The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress. The Alliance now has 147 members.

The Alliance was established in 1996 within the National Roofing Foundation, a separate but related educational and research organization of NRCA, to address critical industry issues.

The Alliance is open to all roofing contractors and industry partners. Alliance members are committed to securing the future excellence of the roofing industry.

For more information or to join the Alliance, contact Bennett Judson, the Alliance's executive director, at (800) 323-9545, ext. 7513, or

NRCA offers salary and benefits survey

NRCA has made available its 2006 Salary and Benefits Survey, which provides information about average annual salaries and bonuses of roofing contracting companies' employees, what benefits roofing companies provide employees and who they are covering. The survey also addresses additional benefits, such as educational assistance, employee assistance and vehicle use.

Data for NRCA's 2006 Salary and Benefits Survey was compiled from responses to a questionnaire completed by NRCA roofing contractor members across the U.S.

For more information or to purchase NRCA's 2006 Salary and Benefits Survey, log on to or call NRCA's InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).

NRCA offers safety posters

NRCA is offering 12 health and safety posters that can be displayed in offices or shops.

The posters address a number of safety procedures and precautions your employees should be mindful of on a daily basis, such as keeping fully charged fire extinguishers nearby and remembering to tie off ladders.

The posters, which will be available at the end of this month, are $75 for NRCA members and $150 for nonmembers. To purchase posters, visit or call NRCA's InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).

NRLRC to hold 28th annual seminar

The National Roofing Legal Resource Center (NRLRC) will hold its 28th annual seminar, Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets, Nov. 1-3 in Tucson, Ariz.

During the seminar, attendees will receive information from industry experts about current legal, contractual, technical, insurance and safety issues affecting their businesses. They also will have the opportunity to interact with peers, share ideas and best practices, and make important business contacts.

To register for NRLRC's 28th annual seminar, contact Anne Shroeder, NRLRC's director, at (847) 299-9092.

Additionally, NRLRC is offering CDs and accompanying handouts documenting its 2006 annual seminar. Each CD and handout can be purchased separately, or a complete set of 10 CDs and handouts can be purchased. For more information or to purchase CDs or handouts, visit or call NRCA's InfoExpress at (866) ASK-NRCA (275-6722).

Upcoming NRCA events

Additional information about upcoming NRCA events can be viewed at NRCA's Web site,


Train-the-trainer Safety Program
Richmond, Va.
Contact: Michele Biesiada
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7534
Gain the knowledge and skills needed to train employees in roofing safety

Roofing Industry Fall Protection from A to Z
San Francisco
Contact: Michele Biesiada
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7534
Learn about fall-protection hazards and the equipment and work practices used to avoid them (available in English and Spanish)

Roofing Industry Fall Protection from A to Z
Los Angeles
Contact: Michele Biesiada
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7534
Learn about fall-protection hazards and the equipment and work practices used to avoid them (available in English and Spanish)

For Foremen Only, Level 1
Allentown, Pa.
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Learn concrete methods to enhance your communication skills and management abilities

Roofing Safety: OSHA 10-hour Program
Allentown, Pa.
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Satisfy OSHA's construction safety-training requirements with this safety course

CERTA Train-the-trainer Authorization
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Learn industry best practices for torch-applied polymer-modified bitumen roof systems

CERTA Train-the-trainer Reauthorization
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Authorized CERTA trainers can renew their accreditations, which is required every three years


CERTA Train-the-trainer Reauthorization
Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Authorized CERTA trainers can renew their accreditations, which is required every three years


Contact: Janice Davis
(800) 323-9545, ext. 7505
Learn how to help your customers save money by lowering their energy costs


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