Selecting a cellular telephone service
Like radios, cellular telephones require towers to provide the best reception. Predicting how well a cellular telephone will work in the areas you frequently travel can be difficult. Consider the following tips for selecting a cellular telephone service and avoiding annoying dead spots and dropped calls:
Source: Adapted from Time's Web site, as cited in First Draft, October 2002 issue.
A laugh a day …
Although life often seems challenging, people still find many reasons to laugh. That is great news because laughing each day is healthy for your body and mind.
Laughter is a physiological response with two parts—gestures and sound—that occur concurrently. A laughter sensor in the brain triggers neural circuits that cause more laughter.
Laughter has many physical and mental health benefits. It reduces blood pressure, increases blood flow and pumps more oxygen into the bloodstream. Laughter also reduces stress hormone levels and exercises the diaphragm and abdominal, facial, respiratory, leg and back muscles. Laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10-minute workout! In addition, laughter defuses harmful biochemical damage caused by anger, fear and sadness.
So take some time to laugh today. Laughter apparently can keep the doctor away!
Source: Adapted from, as cited in First Draft, August 2002 issue.
Avoid pointless conversations
Work conversations often can become repetitive and pointless. To get employees to summarize their opinions, state requests or share vital information, try saying the following:
Source: Adapted from Communication Briefings, August 2002 issue.
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