Industry Briefing

Japanese contractors tour U.S. companies

Sixteen Japanese roofing contractors who are members of Tozai Asphalt Roofing Contractors Co-op, Tokyo, recently toured several U.S. roofing contracting companies and observed various roofing projects to learn and compare U.S. and Japanese roofing techniques. During their trip, the contractors visited NRCA's headquarters in Rosemont, Ill., and discussed topics such as labor costs, green roof systems, and asphalt and other roofing materials presently used in Japan.

Photo courtesy of Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc., Los Angeles.

Japanese roofing contractors observe Los Angeles-based Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc.'s workmanship on a complicated roofing project in Vernon, Calif.

Japanese roofing contractors observe Los Angeles-based Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc.'s workmanship on a complicated roofing project in Vernon, Calif.
  • Japanese roofing contractors observe Los Angeles-based Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc.'s workmanship on a complicated roofing project in Vernon, Calif.
Japanese roofing contractors observe Los Angeles-based Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc.'s workmanship on a complicated roofing project in Vernon, Calif.
Photo courtesy of Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc., Los Angeles.

After their visit to NRCA, the contractors journeyed to the offices of NRCA contractor-member Best Roofing & Waterproofing Inc., Los Angeles. Bob Mars, the company's head of operations, escorted the contractors to a low-slope roofing project in Vernon, Calif. The project consisted of 200 squares (1800 m²) of tripolymer alloy membrane being set in low-rise foam adhesive on a cold-storage building's roof. Best Roofing & Waterproofing's officials chose to show the project to the Japanese contractors because it was not a typical built-up roof system and was complicated by many pipes located above the roof.

The Japanese contractors were impressed by the workmanship of the U.S. contractors and shared what they learned with the 850 members of the Tozai Asphalt Roofing Contractors Co-op.

WSRCA elects new officers

During its 28th Annual Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas, the Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA) elected the following officers: president—Kyle King, vice president of Snyder Roofing Inc., Tigard, Ore.; senior vice president—Ronald Haight, vice president of Haight Roofing Co. Inc., Seattle; vice presidents, one year—William Kramer, president of Industrial Roofing Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, and Carl Clark, president of Clark's Quality Roofing, Salt Lake City; and vice presidents, two years—Danny Cornwell, president of CC & L Roofing Co., Portland, Ore., and Terry Lavelle, vice president of Arapahoe Roofing & Sheet Metal, Broomfield, Colo. Terms began July 1.

Next year's WSRCA convention will be held June 1-3 in Las Vegas.

ASA's officers begin terms

The 2002-03 officers of the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) Inc. began their terms July 1.

The officers include: president—Anne Bigane Wilson, president of Bigane Paving Co., Chicago; vice president—Richard Wanner, executive vice president of Wanner Metal Worx Inc., Delaware, Ohio; treasurer—Mat Glover, president of Glover Masonry Associates Inc., Arvada, Colo.; and secretary—Vincent Terraferma, an engineer at KSW Mechanical Services, New York.

In addition, ASA has endorsed the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators' (NCCCO's) Crane Operator Certification Program. The program qualifies, certifies and recertifies applicants according to their crane operation knowledge and skill.

"ASA believes NCCCO's Crane Operator Certification Program offers excellent professional development recognition to specialty trade contractors and employees who work with cranes," Wilson says.

NRCA member wins business award

NRCA member The Markell Co. of Wisconsin, Marinette, received the Small Business of the Year Award from the Marinette Area Chamber of Commerce. To receive the award, a company must exhibit staying power, increased sales volume, contributions to its community, employee growth and positive responses to challenges.

Students to receive free MRCA admission

Students who show a valid identification card as proof of secondary- or postsecondary-school enrollment will receive free admission to the Midwest Roofing Contractors Association's (MRCA's) 53rd Annual Convention and Trade Show Sept. 19-20 at Chicago's Navy Pier. Students will receive a one-day pass that includes trade-show floor and educational sessions access. In addition, trade-show attendees will receive a free lunch Sept. 20 and can participate in prize drawings both days.

Trade association is established

The Oklahoma Roofing Contractors Association (ORCA) recently was established to develop programs that address work force issues, licensing and education and elevate roofing professionalism throughout Oklahoma.

ORCA's officers include the following: chairman—Max Pope, president of Southwestern Roofing and Metal Inc., Oklahoma City; president—Gerry Shepherd, vice president of sales for Oklahoma Roofing and Sheet Metal Inc., Oklahoma City; vice president—Greg Goodpasture, vice president of operations at Alva Roofing Co., Edmond, Okla.; and secretary/treasurer—Bob Collins, president of Aduddell Roofing & Construction Inc., Oklahoma City.

Metal-design contest is announced

The Metal Construction Association (MCA) is accepting entries for its 2002 Student Design Competition Using Metal in Construction. Architecture students are asked to design an outdoor performance pavilion using sheet-metal components and metal structural members. Students must address architectural, structural, functional and environmental issues.

Cash prizes total $5,750 and will be awarded to the top three winners. The entry deadline is Nov. 15. For more information, call MCA at (847) 375-4718.

Tecta America expands business

Skokie, Ill.-based Tecta America Corp. has purchased Cincinnati-based The Zero Co. and The Zero-Breese Co. The Zero Co. was founded in 1929, and The Zero-Breese Co. was founded in 1902. Both companies serve the greater Cincinnati area, including northern Kentucky and southeastern Indiana.

According to Tecta America representatives, no employee or facility changes will occur. Tecta America now owns 13 companies in 23 locations and has more than 1,400 employees.

CRSMCA presents service award

The Carolinas Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors Association (CRSMCA) presented its Gordon M. Waters Distinguished Service Award to Dennis G. Whitener, president of NRCA member Barger-Ashe Roofing Co., Lenoir, N.C.

Whitener received the award for his service to and leadership in CRSMCA and the roofing industry. Whitener's service includes being a board of trustees member for CRSMCA's Self-Insurer's Fund, past CRSMCA director and 1988 CRSMCA president.

The Industry Online

  • The Bitumen Waterproofing Association (BWA) has launched its Web site,, which features BWA news, events and press releases; a list of BWA members; and other information.

  • Metalworks has launched, a Web site that features downloadable product information, warranty registration materials, and company and employment information.

  • Curveline Inc. has updated its Web site,, to include information about new profiles available for crimp-curving metal panels.

  • Global Commerce & Communication has launched its Web site,, which provides a place to buy and sell ideas, inventions, patents, copyrighted works, trademarks and other intellectual property.


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