
Professional Roofing launches a new look

Welcome to our new design! The Professional Roofing team has spent the past 18 months re-envisioning NRCA’s publication while continuing to provide you with important, useful information in an easy-to-navigate format.

We began the process with a comprehensive reader survey asking what readers like and don’t like about the magazine. The good news is, by and large, you all like what we do and how we do it. So we focused on a few content tweaks and a visual refresh.

The new things you may notice: We discontinued our #Hashtag section; refreshed our logo; and changed how the table of contents, Details and Marketplace are presented. We also revised our headers, page numbers and paper stock (yes, it is now matte and not glossy). You also will notice changes in certain design elements throughout the publication.

During the past two years, we added two designers and an editorial assistant to our team, and it was wonderful to have new ideas and excitement injected into the process.

It had been several years since our previous redesign, and our hope is this new one will serve you well for many more. As always, please reach out with feedback and send us your story ideas. We want to continue our job of producing the most respected and well-read publication in the roofing industry.

Next up: redesign of the magazine’s website, professionalroofing.net. We have contracted with a website design firm to help us with that process, and we expect to launch this fall.

AMBIKA PUNIANI REID is editor of Professional Roofing and NRCA’s vice president of communications.


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