
NRCA India takes shape

Now that NRCA India has become fully operational with an office and full-time staff in Cochin, India, interest among Indian roofing professionals is gaining traction.

Currently, 16 companies are members. This number is sure to increase during ROOF INDIA 2013, Asia's largest roofing and allied technologies event, which will be held May 24-26 in Mumbai.

The three-day event will feature more than 120 Indian and international companies showcasing the latest in roof systems, architectural cladding, metal building systems/pre-engineered buildings, tensile architecture, vegetative roof systems, waterproofing, roof insulation, roofing machinery and more.

NRCA India will be actively seeking new members during the show—NRCA and NRCA India staff will be at the NRCA India booth to answer questions and explain the benefits of NRCA India membership.

In addition, NRCA India is meeting increasing demand for access to NRCA educational programs. Before and after ROOF INDIA 2013, NRCA University staff will conduct educational programs addressing best roofing practices. The programs will discuss all major roof system types and how the U.S. roofing industry approaches their applications.

"The potential for the roofing industry in India is incredible," says Bill Good, NRCA's executive vice president. "New construction continues at an amazing pace; energy demands are accelerating; and there is emerging sophistication about the need for top-quality construction methods. We think NRCA can play an important role—as a technical resource and training provider—and we look forward to the opportunity."

NRCA India undoubtedly will create new relationships and new opportunities in the U.S. and India. For more information, go to or contact Jeff Jarvis, NRCA's director of business development, at

Ambika Puniani Bailey is editor of Profes­sional Roofing and NRCA's associate executive director of communications and production.


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dick fricklas

great career!

10:26 PM, May 14, 2013