Manufacturer news
Elk offers program in Canada
Dallas-based Elk Premium Building Products Inc. now offers its Elk Peak Performance Contractor Program to eligible roofing contractors in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario. Contractors who participate in the program can offer homeowners extended warranties and obtain rebates on Elk Premium Building Products' merchandise, as well as earn reward points and marketing assistance.
To participate in the program, contractors must score 90 percent or higher on customer follow-up surveys, provide verification for jobs completed during the past six months and have a clean work history, among other requirements. A complete list of requirements can be found at
CHEM LINK™ expands
CHEM LINK Inc. has moved its headquarters into a 50,000-square-foot facility in Schoolcraft, Mich.
The new facility is larger than CHEM LINK's previous headquarters in Schoolcraft and has expanded lab facilities and multiple shipping docks.
DECRA® Roofing Systems introduces program
DECRA Roofing Systems Inc., Corona, Calif., has introduced Profiles and Installations of Stone Coated Steel Roofing, a program for architects that addresses the benefits of stone-coated steel.
Topics discussed during the program include available profiles; differences between painted metal and stone-coated metal roofing; features and benefits of stone-coated steel; standards and testing; installation methods; and case studies.
United Coatings launches customer loyalty program
Spokane, Wa.-based United Coatings has launched its Customer Loyalty Program to generate growth opportunities for factory-approved applicators and distributors of its coatings. The program allows United Coatings' customers to participate in co-op marketing and advertising campaigns and warranty programs.
To participate in the Customer Loyalty Program, applicators and distributors must be knowledgeable about and have experience with United Coatings' products or complete a United Coatings training program.
Approved applicators and distributors will receive ongoing training and product updates, as well as credits. The credits can be redeemed for product rebates and marketing assistance based on overall sales with incentives for increased sales.
Distributor news
Roofing industry member passes away
John B. Jackson, president and chief executive officer of E.L. Hilts Co., Hickory, N.C., passed away Feb. 20. He was 50.
Jackson was an active member of the roofing industry. He was president of the Carolinas Roofing and Sheet Metal Contractors Association Inc. during 2002-03 and served on various committees.
Jackson is survived by his wife, Lisa; sons, Levi and Julian; mother, Barbara; sister, Patricia; brother, Steven; mother-in-law, Ruth Laffon; three nieces; and one nephew.
The Jackson family requests memorial contributions be made to St. Stephens Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 2304 Springs Road N.E., Hickory, NC 28601. Contributions also can be made to Levi's or Julian's college fund through Patricia Jackson, 1415 33rd Ave. N.E., Hickory, NC 28601.
Other news
Roof consultant passes away
Carl George Cash, senior principal of Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Inc., Waltham, Mass., passed away Feb. 22.
He was committee chairman of ASTM International and received its prestigious Walter C. Voss award.
Cash is survived by his wife, Mary; son Alan; daughter, Maryann Cassidy; daughters-in-law, Ellen and Kathy; son-in-law, Kurt Cassidy; and seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his son Kevin.
The Cash family requests memorial contributions be made to Dana Farber Cancer Institute, 10 Brookline Place W., Sixth Floor, Brookline, MA 02445.
Contractor news
Capizzi Home Improvement receives awards
During the Certified Contractors Network's (CNN's) annual awards dinner Jan. 20, NRCA member Capizzi Home Improvement Inc., Cotuit, Mass., was named Company of the Year 2006.
CNN is an international organization that provides training, guidance, motivation and support to help contractors provide better services and products.
In addition, Thomas Capizzi Jr., president of Capizzi Home Improvement, was named Best Boss of the Year 2006, and Maggie Kelley, office manager of Capizzi Home Improvement, was named Rookie Office Manager of the Year 2006.
Roofing contractor passes away
William Robert Rose III, former owner of Rose Roofing Co., Haymarket, Va., passed away Jan. 23. Rose was 70.
Rose served as president of the Washington Area Roofing Contractors Association and Virginia Association of Roofing Contractors and on NRCA's board of directors.
Rose is survived by his wife, Marybeth Martin; sons, John, Joseph, Matthew, Thomas and William; sister, Lucy Ann Kidwell; brothers, Charles and Daniel; and 10 grandchildren.
Condolences can be sent to Martin at 230 Buxton Road, Falls Church, VA 22046.
Tecta America sponsors art exhibit
Tecta America Corp., Skokie, Ill., has announced it is a sponsor of Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet, a Chicago public art exhibition to premiere in June.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and Cool Globes Chairwoman Wendy Abrams at a Cool Globes kickoff breakfast
The exhibition will showcase Chicago's leadership as one of the U.S.'s greenest large cities and display more than 70 globes designed by local and international artists depicting environmentally responsible messages and potential solutions for global warming. Tecta America's globe will be designed by Chicago artist Carol Luc.
"Tecta America's globe will depict green roofs as just one solution to global warming in a city that has been instrumental in the adoption and support of this emerging green roof technology for sustainability," says Tecta America Chief Executive Officer Mark Santacrose.
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