Contractor news
Tecta America expands business
Skokie, Ill.-based Tecta America Corp.'s Redmond, Wash.-based office, which originally opened in 2003 as a branch of Tecta America's San Francisco-based Western Roofing Service, is now WRS Seattle, a Tecta America company.
WRS Seattle offers green roofing options through Tecta America's Tecta Environmental Solutions, as well as a Lunch & Learn program for architects and builders interested in learning about other Tecta America green roofing products.
"We feel strongly that having a primary presence in this market will help us to better serve our existing customers and provide even greater opportunities for new customers," says Steve Grinaker, WRS Seattle's president.
Additionally, Tecta America has acquired Weiss & Woolrich Southern, Deerfield Beach, Fla. Weiss & Woolrich Southern will keep its current management.
"I see tremendous opportunity to leverage our strengths and capabilities with [Tecta America's] extensive national network," says Henry Gembala, Weiss & Woolrich Southern's president. "We also will benefit from its support and strength in service, sales and training."
Roofing companies receive safety award
Elmira, N.Y.-based Evans Roofing Co. Inc.'s subsidiaries—Charles F. Evans Co. Inc., Elmira, and Elmira-based CFE Inc.—have been awarded the Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) designation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The award recognizes companies that have developed and implemented model safety and health programs.
VPP-designated companies must have injury, illness and loss-workday rates that are substantially lower than their industry's national average. Companies also must have safety standards that are more stringent than OSHA requirements and demonstrate commitment to maintaining safety standards. According to Evans Roofing representatives, Charles F. Evans and CFE are the first U.S. roofing companies to receive this award.
"Roofing has the sixth-highest fatality record of any occupation in our nation," says Dave Batrony, Evans Roofing's corporate risk manager. "Charles F. Evans' associates' commitment to safety, quality and working together as a team has resulted in their ability to effectively and consistently provide their customers with quality roof systems without sacrificing safety."
Manufacturer news
Dow Building Solutions replaces technology
Dow Building Solutions, Midland, Mich., a business unit of Midland-based The Dow Chemical Co., has developed a foaming agent technology that allows the company to produce its STYROFOAM™ R5/inch insulation with a zero ozone-depletion factor. The foaming agent will be used to replace hydrochloroflurocarbon 142b (HCFC-142b), an ozone-depleting compound that previously was used to manufacture STYROFOAM insulation. U.S. and Canadian regulations require that HCFC-142b use be eliminated in North America by 2010.
"Our STYROFOAM brand is one of the most trusted and recognized brands in the building and construction industry," says Torsten Kraef, Dow Building Solutions' president and general manager. "Our investment in developing a replacement foaming agent technology reflects our commitment to our customers, the industry and the brand."
Additionally, The Dow Chemical Co. plans to expand its manufacturing facility in Correggio, Italy. The site will be the company's global research and development center for polyurethane systems formulation and application technology.
The facility's expansion, which is subject to government and regulatory approval, will cost The Dow Chemical Co. $20 million and is scheduled to be completed in 2009.
Up the ladder
Englert Inc. has named Michael P. Kennedy senior vice president of sales.
PABCO Roofing Products LLC has named Steve Coco production manager; John Corbett general manager; Rebecca Newman total product quality and material manager; and Andy Williams plant manager at Tacoma.
SFS intec Inc. has named Thomas Van Kirk vice president of fastening systems, sales and marketing.
Other news
Subcontractor association releases contract guides
The Foundation of the American Subcontractors Association (FASA) has released two presentations on multimedia CD-ROMs that provide guidance and information about the 2007 edition of The American Institute of Architects' (AIA's) A201 and A401 model contract documents.
"Total Impact: How the AIA A201-2007 Influences Subcontractor Rights, Responsibilities and Remedies" discusses A201-2007's provisions and risks and explains how the forms will interact with other subcontractor documents. "Straight Talk: Bidding and Negotiating the AIA A401-2007 Terms and Conditions" focuses on negotiating and bidding strategies associated with A401-2007 and provides information about explaining the new AIA contract documents to clients.
"The American Subcontractors Association (ASA) chose not to endorse the AIA documents because the 2007 editions incorporated poor business practices from the subcontractor's perspective," says E. Colette Nelson, ASA's executive vice president. "Using either of these new resources can help any subcontractor avoid the pitfalls and risks these new documents present."
FASA's CD-ROM guides are available at
Chemical association studies recycling
The Chemical Fabrics & Film Association's (CFFA's) Vinyl Roofing Division has initiated a feasibility study to evaluate strategies for making post-consumer recycling of vinyl roofing materials viable in North America. The division's member manufacturers intend to combine existing post-consumer recycling technologies with logistical expertise to reduce vinyl roofing materials' contribution to landfill waste.
"Skyrocketing raw material costs, higher landfill tipping fees, legislation to restrict disposal of construction materials and an architectural community that demands the lightest possible environmental footprint are leading toward mainstreaming post-consumer recycling," says Jay Thomas, CFFA's Vinyl Roofing Division's marketing chair.
Green roof organization joins initiative
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) has joined SPRI in developing wind and fire codes for green roof systems.
The development process began in April 2007 when SPRI held a meeting with roofing industry members to discuss green roof wind and fire standards. SPRI began its first canvass of the roofing industry for opinions on the proposed wind standard in September 2007. Canvassing the industry for opinions on green roof fire standards is scheduled to begin this spring.
"We are pleased to have this opportunity to help SPRI—an organization that, like GRHC, is dedicated to promoting and cultivating professionalism and industry excellence—in the development of fire and wind standards for green roof systems," says Steven W. Peck, GRHC's founder and president.
ASTM seeks award nominations
ASTM International is seeking nominations for its William T. Cavanaugh Award, which annually honors a person who has made extraordinary contributions to the field of national and international voluntary standards.
Established in 1987, the award is named for William T. Cavanaugh, who served as ASTM International's chief executive officer from 1970-85. Nominees for the award may be ASTM International members or nonmembers. Honorary membership is bestowed on nonmember winners. Nominations should describe candidates' qualifications and include information about their professional background, contributions to standards organizations, and offices and special positions held within such organizations.
The deadline for submissions is April 1. Nominations can be mailed to the Executive Committee, c/o the President's office, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
The industry online
Sperian Hearing Protection LLC, a personal protective equipment provider, has launched, a Web site for hearing protection products. The site features an online product catalogue, educational and program planning information, and regional content for Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America and South America.
W.P. Hickman Co. has updated its Web site,, to include Roof Edge Installation Videos, animated product modules, product installation guides and a training module.
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