Slowly but surely, folks in Washington, D.C., are beginning to understand the crushing effect entitlement programs administered by the federal government are having on our economy. More important, they are beginning to understand the most dangerous thing they can do is nothing: Failure to act simply postpones—and worsens—some staggering problems.
Consider, for example, some realities:
There are two demographic forces driving the problem. First, we are living longer and receiving better health care. And second, we are having fewer children, which means, relatively speaking, there are fewer workers paying into the system compared with the number of beneficiaries.
The problem, of course, is few politicians want to address the issue; mentioning Social Security reform can lead to campaign ads showing a helpless grandmother being thrown off a cliff. But the issues must be addressed. Social Security had a cash flow deficit of $58 billion in 2012; Medicare's annual cash shortfall in 2011 was $288 billion. And each dollar paid into Medicare ultimately translates to about $3 in benefits.
In 2012, mandatory spending represented about 65 percent of all federal government outlays. Without reform, it will represent 75 percent in just 10 years. This means only 25 percent of the federal budget will be available for such things as defense, roads and schools. That's not a good spending formula.
It's estimated it would take $40 trillion to make all entitlement programs solvent for the next 75 years. There are solutions that will help, but the longer we wait, the worse the consequences.
If you agree this is a critical issue that needs a robust national debate, let your elected officials know. It's time for an adult conversation.
Bill Good is NRCA's executive vice president.
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