As I was saying …

Branding NRCA

During the past year, we've worked with a branding consultant to assess the strengths and weaknesses of NRCA's brand and how it's perceived in the marketplace.

The consultant's report was mostly encouraging. NRCA, we were told, is trusted, valued for its experience and seen as the most likely organization to lead the industry through rapid change. On the flip side, some constituents see us as bureaucratic and slow-moving; others see us as driven by large contractors (even though 48 percent of NRCA contractor members report sales of less than $1 million annually).

In response to these—and other—perceptions, we have retooled NRCA's brand, and you'll see a new look to NRCA, beginning with this issue of Professional Roofing. If you go to, you'll see a new look there, as well. NRCA's Web site,, also is in the process of a total overhaul.

We have introduced a new NRCA logo, which retains its traditional feel with a more modern design. You'll see the new look—where NRCA's brand will be more dominant—in virtually all NRCA publications and programs.

Another part of the brand message we want to convey is that NRCA is an important part of the environmental movement. Whenever possible, for example, we'll use soy-based ink and recycled paper for our publications. And we'll also use less paper as we move to more electronic communications—again in response to what our customers tell us.

Beginning with its summer issue, NRCA's quarterly newsletter, NRCA Insider, will be issued only electronically to members. And beginning in January 2009, For Members Only, NRCA's monthly newsletter, also will be issued only electronically. It will be easy to forward them to others in your company (or to have your employees included on the distribution list), and we'll be able to add links to more detailed information about the news we report.

If you are an NRCA member, be sure we have your current e-mail address. And if you'd like your employees to receive these publications, too, just let us know. You can register yourself and employees to receive NRCA electronic communications at

All these efforts are being undertaken to ensure NRCA remains at the forefront of the roofing industry. From our research, we know the industry anticipates change and expects NRCA to help manage it. We know the industry needs a voice of trusted authority and looks to NRCA to provide it. We're honored by that trust, and we intend to live up to it.

Bill Good is NRCA's executive vice president.


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