As the roofing industry continues to struggle with a workforce shortage, you likely are doing all you can to retain employees. But one thing may be overlooked … are you a bad boss?
Comparably, an online platform company that provides data about compensation and work culture, recently asked 2,000 employees from small, midsize and large companies the following: What are the worst traits in a boss?
According to survey respondents, the No. 1 worst trait a boss can have is being a micromanager. If you catch yourself hounding employees for updates or constantly checking in on them, you probably are a micromanager.
The second worst trait is being overly critical. Female employees, in particular, find this behavior distasteful. Bosses accused of being overly critical were said to not look happy when conversing with employees, were stingy with positive feedback and frequently raised their voices.
Third on the list is a disorganized boss, particularly unpopular with Generation Z employees. Bosses who can't keep details straight and frequently need reminders frustrate many employees.
Rounding out the bottom two traits of bad boss behavior are bosses who are impatient and those who are "know-it-alls." All age and gender groups ranked impatience as the least important of the bad behaviors though it still garnered 12 percent of the votes. And those bosses who seem to have the solution to every problem without entertaining others' ideas are nearly as insufferable to employees.
The good news is all these traits are correctable for those who are willing to change their behaviors. Employees leave companies for a variety of reasons. You shouldn't be one of them.
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