Membership benefits
NRCA offers members money-saving benefits through its affinity program partnerships. Following is a list of NRCA's partner companies and programs:
Be sure to visit NRCA online at for more information about NRCA's affinity programs. If you have questions, contact Chris Casey, NRCA's manager of membership development, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7530, or
Upcoming NRCA events
NRCA's Midyear Meetings
Contact: Michelle Iniguez
(847) 299-9070, Ext. 7544
NRCA's Executive Committee and board of directors, among other committees and task forces, meet to discuss NRCA and industry issues.
Ask the Expert—The Legal Limits: Drug Screens and Medical Testing
Contact: Janice Davis
(847) 299-9070, Ext. 7505
Education/Q & A session about laws regarding drug screening and medical testing
Ask the Expert—Risk Rap: Fall Protection Dos and Don'ts
Contact: Janice Davis
(847) 299-9070, Ext. 7505
Education/Q & A session about safety and training issues
NRCA's Fall Committee Meetings and Legislative Conference
Washington, D.C.
Contact: Michelle Iniguez
(847) 299-9070, Ext. 7544
NRCA's committees meet to discuss NRCA and industry issues; members are invited to engage in legislative activities.
NRLRC news
Plan to attend the National Roofing Legal Resource Center's (NRLRC's) 26th Annual Seminar: Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets in Los Cabos, Mexico, Nov. 3-5. The seminar will provide in-depth information about contractual, legal, technical, insurance and safety issues. Learn from industry experts; share ideas and best practices; and find solutions to problems. Seminar details, including registration fees, educational topics and speakers will be available by late summer. For more information, please contact Alison LaValley, NRLRC's executive director, at or (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7573, or log on to
NRLRC is offering CDs of its 2004 seminar, Roofing Issues: Decks to Dockets. The CDs include information about legal, technical, safety, insurance and contractual issues affecting roofing businesses. CDs can be purchased separately or as a set.
Online—all the time
NRCA's Web site,, offers a multitude of resources and benefits. Following are some ways to get involved with NRCA's online community.
Educational opportunities
Following are in-depth descriptions of the education programs offered by NRCA during 2005:
Ask the Expert-The Legal Limits: Drug Screens and Medical Testing
NRCA and NRLRC are co-sponsoring this Ask the Expert session, which will teach you when and under what circumstances drug screens and medical testing are permitted, as well as safeguards and requirements the law imposes on employers that conduct such testing.
Ask the Expert—Risk Rap: Fall Protection Dos and Don'ts
Topics for this session include safety, industry work force issues, and training and roofing issues. You have the opportunity to experience an online learning session and ask the presenter specific questions related to the topic.
For Foremen Only, Level One
The program focuses on communication and management skills for field managers and introduces foremen to the idea that management is a critical skill area on which to focus. It also provides foremen with concrete methods to help them become better communicators. This program is a great way to increase foremen's abilities to succeed.
Exploring Roof System Options
For many, being responsible for the management and maintenance of roof systems is intimidating. Not having a clue how to do it feels even worse. "Exploring Roof System Options" provides the fundamental knowledge necessary to make roofing decisions and establish a roof system management program.
Roof Inspection, Diagnosis and Repair
Learn the latest techniques for performing roof inspections and explore the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of nondestructive evaluation methods in this one-day workshop.
Performance Technology for Roof Systems
This interactive course is the most comprehensive roofing technology program in the industry. The seminar provides a detailed overview of all low- and steep-slope roof systems available in the market; reveals the advantages and disadvantages of various systems; examines new and changing products; and explores a variety of roof system design issues. The course includes videos, product samples, PowerPoint lectures, participant exercises and time to answer your specific questions.
Ask the Expert—Tech Talk: Hot Topics on Roofing Technology
This session discusses a variety of roofing technology-related subjects.
You have the opportunity to experience an online learning session and ask the presenter specific questions related to the topic. You also have an opportunity to submit topics for future "Ask the Expert" presentations.
Maximizing the Life of Your Roof: Implementing a Roof Asset Management Program
A roof system's performance during its life span is determined by a number of factors. You will learn the steps and procedures to address these factors and help make the best decisions to manage your customers' roofing assets. The curriculum provides solutions by offering a solid framework to help you make the right choices to extend roof system life.
For more information, contact Janice Davis, NRCA's manager of risk management, at (800) 323-9545, Ext. 7505, or
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